Dear Stephanie Hiller:
     I read your letter to the editor in MS magazine Winter 2003/2004. It's good that the women's movement has taken a stand to speak about global issues. However, women's rights remain to be a mountain. I am sure that you have heard about many cases of wrongfully incarcerated people whose cases were overturned by DNA testing. Well, look closely at all of those cases, and you will find that they are all MEN! I have fought my case for 15 years now and have been denied the right to DNA testing (unless I can afford to pay to have it done, which I cannot).
     The DNA testing law is unclear concerning women's rights. I will most likely die in prison for a crime I DID NOT commit (and could prove with one DNA test), unless I get help to set a precedence to that law for women. Please take a few minutes to review my website at: <http://www.deniedjustice.com>
     If you would like to contact me directly, my address is:
     Shirley Southerland
#555516, Hilltop Unit, 1500 State School Road Gatesville, TX 76598
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Shirley Southerland